The Kynaatt ProjectKýnaatt-Hakexćo

The Kynaatt ProjectKýnaatt-Hakexćo

Kynaatt's Translated Works | Kýnaatt-o-Pyanpaarso

Linked Resources

Please use the links below to navigate to the various works. If no link is present, the work is currently unavailable and we will rectify the issue as soon as we can.

All works are available as free to download PDF forms, however official print copies will also be available in a separate noted section. The purchase of these copies will take place through the publisher's website, and no purchases will be made on this website.

Thank you!


Religious & Philosophical Books:


- The Tao Te Ching by Lao Tzu


- The Dhammapada by Siddhartha Gautama (the Buddha)


No poems have yet been fully translated. This section will be updated as soon as there is at least one that has.

Works Available for Purchase

All works found here will also be found above as free to download PDF's, however these are purchasable hard-copy / e-copy versions of the texts that may have entirely different formatting. Purchasing these works helps support The Kynaatt Project and other authors that have contributed to it.

Thank you!

Translations In Progress

There are several books and poems currently being translated. Below is a list of the ones currently being worked on.


  1. Lieh Tzu
  2. Zhuangzi
  3. I Ching


  1. Odds and Ends by Maxwell Lee Kali
  2. Havamal
  3. Poetic Edda
  4. Prose Edda

Translation Requests:

Please utilize the Contact Us page to request a translation be completed. More information can be found on that page regarding requirements for these requests.

Copyright and Distribution Notice

All works on this page have free to download PDF forms. These cannot be modified or sold outside of this website without written permission from Bryson Schnaitmann or The Kynaatt Project.

Works translated by other authors wishing to be specified will be attributed, and the correct license will be added in parentheses beside it. Otherwise, all works found on this page are protected under a CC-NC-ND copyright or stricter.

Bryson Schnaitmann
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